ABM Business Match at IFC

September 10, 2024

3.30 pm SHARP to 5.30 pm

Pre-approval required!

As part of the conference agenda, a select group of IFC Delegates will engage in one-on-one business match appointments.

Revolving around the business interests of the attending First Nations, development corporations and Indigenous forestry businesses, the essence of the business matching activity lies in the alignment of objectives. We will make sure that the right people connect. Each appointment therefore holds inherent value, ranging from forging partnerships to establishing new customer relationships.

Business matching will start at 3.30 pm sharp on September 10 at the Barclay.

How does it work?

  1. You start with an empty appointment schedule offering five 20-minute appointment slots.

  2. You review all attendees’ business profiles and request appointments with decision-makers you would like to meet.

  3. You respond to incoming appointment requests by declining or accepting.

  4. We provide matchmaking support during preparation.

  5. You use ABM’s message system to communicate with your matches in preparation for your meeting.

  6. At the event, you meet with your confirmed business matches based on the schedule you have created.

For IFC Delegates Registered for the Business Match

The business matching takes place at the Barclay, the conference venue, on Tuesday, September 10 and starts at 3.30 pm sharp in the tradeshow space.

The last appointment commences at 5.10 pm and concludes at 5.30 pm, giving you time to make your way to Bare Bones, our dinner venue at 4824 Johnston Road, a 10-minute walk or 3-minute drive from the hotel.

Next Steps:

1. Click here to log in. (Please use Chrome and bookmark the login page.)

Your login is your email spelled in lower case. You were emailed your password on September 4. Please use the reset feature to enter your own password. You can use the same feature in case you do not recall your password.

2. Complete and edit your business profile. Here is how. (32-second video)
We got things started for you. Please provide any information you want to share with the other IFC delegates who will attend the business match.

3. Review others' profiles and request meetings. Here is how. (45-second video)
Our system does not allow you to overbook any time slots or book the same organization twice. It is user-friendly and efficient.

We have admitted 30 entities into the business match and you have five appointments available to you. Making sure you meet with the decision-makers who are most relevant to your goals will require setting priorities.

4. Respond to your incoming meeting requests EXPEDITIOUSLY. Here is how. (29-second video)
It is essential to inform others of your interest in the requested meeting promptly so they can finalize their schedules.

5. Review your Schedule on Monday Afternoon

We will assign booth and table numbers on Monday morning. You will see where your meetings take place in your schedule.

You can call or text Katrin at 604-483-6421 if you have any questions.

Who can participate?

Automatic Opt-In

  • First Nations

  • development corporations

  • Indigenous companies from the territory engaged in forestry

  • platimum and gold sponsors

If you represent one of the above, you simply opt in when you register. We will be in touch with next steps.

Expressions of Interest

  • non-Indigenous companies

  • Indigenous companies not engaged in forestry and/or not from the territory

If you represent one of the above, you can express interest in participating when you register. We will connect to review your business goals to see if they match the interests of the First Nations, development corporations and Indigenous businesses that are participating.

If you have any questions, please email us or book a meeting with Katrin Harry, Managing Partner, ABM.